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Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology

Photo of Professor David Horrell

Professor David Horrell

MA PhD (Cantab)

Professor of New Testament Studies. Director, Centre for Biblical Studies


01392 724288


I came to the Department in 1995 to teach New Testament studies, after completing my PhD at Cambridge on a social-scientific approach to Paul's Corinthian letters and the letter known as 1 Clement. Since then, I have continued to employ a range of social-scientific approaches in my work, which has explored aspects of the making of early Christian identity in its socio-historical context, and also contemporary interpretation of the New Testament in ethical and ecological discussion. I was promoted to full Professor in 2007.

My main research interests are:

  • the letters of Paul and 1 Peter and the making of Christian identity
  • the uses of the Bible in environmental ethics
  • the intersections of religion, ethnicity, and race in New Testament texts and their modern interpretation

I teach modules on a wide range of New Testament topics, including Paul and contemporary Pauline studies, New Testament ethics, 1 Peter, New Testament Greek, and the Bible and environmental ethics, and supervise a number of research students working on topics including 1 Peter and Pauline theology. 

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My main research interests focus on four main areas,1 Peter and early Christian identity, ecological interpretation of the New Testament, the intersections of religion, ethnicity, and race in New Testament interpretation, and the challenge of 'decolonising' New Testament studies:

1. The First Letter of Peter. My interest in 1 Peter goes back to the writing of the Epworth commentary on 1-2 Peter and Jude, published in 1998. Since then, I have published a number of essays on 1 Peter, particularly on the letter's contributions to the development of Christian identity, and a short introductory Guide to the letter (T&T Clark 2008). A number of these essays have been revised and published in book-form as Becoming Christian: Essays on 1 Peter and the Making of Christian Identity (Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2013). This interest culminated in the publication, in collaboration with Travis B. Williams, a former Exeter PhD student, of a two-volume commentary in the International Critical Commentary series (see publications list for details).

2. Ecological interpretation and Pauline ethics. In 2005 I published a book on Pauline ethics, Solidarity and Difference (T&T Clark). Then, from 2006-2009, I directed a project on uses of the Bible in environmental ethics, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) of the UK. Among the publications from the project are three books, published in 2010: The Bible and the Environment (Equinox/Acumen/Routledge); Greening Paul, co-authored with Cherryl Hunt and Chrstopher Southgate (Baylor University Press) and a co-edited volume entitled Ecological Hermeneutics: Biblical, HIstorical, and Theological Perspectives (T&T Clark). During 2011-2013 I worked on a project funded by the St Luke's College Foundation to develop resources for secondary school teachers and A-level students on the Bible and environmental ethics (see A volume of my essays on Pauline ethics, from ancient social contexts to contemporary ecologcal interpretaton, has been published in 2019 by Eerdmans (The Origins of Christian Morality).

3. The intersections of religion, ethnicity, and race in New Testament texts and interpretation. From 2015-2017 I held an AHRC Leadership Fellowship which enabled me to spend a concentrated period of time working on the scholarly constructions of Jewish and early Christian identities in relation to questions about the intersections of ethnicity, race, and religion. During the project, we hosted two workshops and an international conference at Exeter (see Papers from these events were published in an edited volume (co-edited with Katherine Hockey), called Ethnicity, Race, Religion (T&T Clark, 2018), and my monograph on the topic, Ethnicity and Inclusion, was published by Eerdmans in 2020.

4. From 2022-2024 I held a Leverhulme research fellowship which enabled me to focus on the challenge of decolonisation to the discipline of New Testament studies. Some early publications from this project are listed in my publications; further outputs will appear in the next few years.

Research collaborations

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I am currently supervising students working on various topics in the area of New Testament studies, specifically on aspects of the study of the Pauline letters and 1 Peter. Recent PhDs have included studies of 1 Peter, Paul's letter to the Philippians, the Didache, and ecological interpretation of the New Testament.

I am particularly interested in supervising students whose research falls into my current areas of research interest, as detailed in that section of my profile. Students interested in the possibility of doctoral studies are always welcome to contact me to discuss possible topics, etc.

Research students

I am currently first supervisor for a number of students working on 1 Peter, aspects of Pauline studies, and other areas of biblical and early Christian studies. I have also been involved with other PhD projects, including some connected with the "Bible and environmental ethics" project.  

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 |



  • Horrell D. (2023) Generosity and Epistemology: What Might it Mean to Decolonise New Testament Studies?, Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation Festschrift Reimund Bieringer, 277-298.
  • Horrell DG, Williams TB. (2023) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on 1 Peter: Volume 2: Chapters 3-5, Bloomsbury Publishing. [PDF]
  • Horrell D. (2023) The Ethical Challenge of Decolonisation and the Future of New Testament Studies, Studies in Christian Ethics, volume 36.1.
  • Horrell DG, Williams TB. (2023) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on 1 Peter. Volume 1: Chapters 1-2, T&T Clark. [PDF]


  • Horrell DG. (2021) Peter Remembered in 1 Peter? Representations, Images, Traditions, Peter in the Early Church Apostle - Missionary - Church Leader, Peeters, 178-208.
  • Horrell DG. (2021) Interpretations of the identity and role of Paul, The Biblical World: Second Edition, 834-854.
  • Rierson L. (2021) Paul's Humble Leadership in Light of Contemporary Studies of Humility and Leadership: A Comparative Analysis of Paul's Deployment of Humility in 2 Corinthians 10–13 and Philippians.
  • Horrell D. (2021) The Moral Vision of the Bible: A New Testament Approach, New Approaches to Biblical Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, Brill, 273-287.
  • Horrell DG. (2021) Religion, Ethnicity, and Way of Life: Exploring Categories of Identity, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, volume 82, no. 1, pages 38-55, DOI:10.1353/cbq.2021.0002.



  • Horrell D. (2019) Physical and Symbolic Geography: Constructions of Space and Early Christian Identities, Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi, volume 36, pages 375-392. [PDF]
  • Cook E. (2019) Managing Men: Marriage and Masculinities in Ezra 9-10.
  • Nessim D. (2019) Didache, Torah, and the Gentile Mission: A Mediation of Torah for the Church.
  • Horrell DG. (2019) The Making of Christian Morality Reading Paul in Ancient and Modern Contexts.
  • Shin H. (2019) Eschatological Visions of the New Testament: From a Premillennial Dispensationalist Interpretation towards a Contextual Korean Christian Environmental Ethic.


  • Horrell DG. (2018) Larry W. Hurtado, Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2016), pp. xiv + 290, $29.95, Scottish Journal of Theology, volume 71, no. 2, pages 226-228, DOI:10.1017/s0036930617000205.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Grace, race and the people of God, One God, One People, One Future: Essays in Honour of N.T. Wright, SPCK, 191-210.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Judaean Ethnicity and Christ-Following Voluntarism? A Reply to Steve Mason and Philip Esler, New Testament Studies, volume 65, pages 1-20, DOI:10.1017/S0028688518000279.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Introduction, Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 1-20.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Ethnicity, Race, Religion: Identities and Ideologies in Early Jewish and Christian Texts, and in Modern Biblical Interpretation, Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Imitating the Humility of Christ: Paul’s Philippian Christ-Hymn and the Making of Christian Morality, The Making of Christian Morality: Reading Paul in Contexts Ancient and Modern, Eerdmans.
  • Horrell DG. (2018) Review of Larry W. Hurtado, Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Waco: Baylor UP, 2016), pp. xiv + 290, $29.95, Scottish Journal of Theology, volume 71, pages 226-228.



  • Horrell DG. (2016) Book Review: Constructing the World: A Study in Paul's Cosmological Language, Theology, volume 103, no. 815, pages 368-369, DOI:10.1177/0040571x0010300510.
  • Horrell DG. (2016) Book Review: New Testament Ethics, Theology, volume 100, no. 797, pages 383-383, DOI:10.1177/0040571x9710000530.
  • Amos C, Wood D, Davies M, Rosner BS, Court JM, Horrell D, Thiselton AC, Best E, Pirouet ML, Evans GR. (2016) Book Reviews, The Expository Times, volume 108, no. 7, pages 217-223, DOI:10.1177/001452469710800707.
  • Horrell D. (2016) Book Review: Paul:, Theology, volume 99, no. 790, pages 312-313, DOI:10.1177/0040571x9609900424.
  • Horrell DG. (2016) Book Review: Jewish Law in Gentile Churches, Theology, volume 104, no. 820, pages 282-283, DOI:10.1177/0040571x0110400413.
  • Horrell DG. (2016) Publication of short journalistic article in The Conversation, The Conversation.
  • Horrell DG. (2016) Reconfiguring early christian 'faith', Ecclesiology, volume 12, no. 3, pages 354-362, DOI:10.1163/17455316-01203007.
  • Horrell DG. (2016) Farewell to Another Wealthy Patron? Reassessing Philemon in the Light of Recent Scholarly Discussion of Socio-Economic Level and Domestic Space, La lettre à Philémon et l’ecclésiologie paulinienne/Philemon and Pauline Ecclesiology, Peeters, 51-74.
  • Horrell DG, Tollerton DC, O'Donnell KM. (2016) Religion and the Media in GCSE and A-Level Syllabuses: A Regrettable Gap and Proposals to Fill It, British Journal of Religious Education, DOI:10.1080/01416200.2016.1190686.
  • Horrell DG, Wan WH. (2016) Christology, Eschatology and the Politics of Time in 1 Peter, Journal for the Study of the New Testament.



  • Horrell DG. (2014) Ethos and Community, The Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies, Oxford University Press (OUP), 488-506, DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199600489.013.004.
  • Horrell DG. (2014) PAUL, The Classical Review, volume 64, no. 1, pages 243-245, DOI:10.1017/s0009840x1300320x.
  • Horrell DG. (2014) Jesus Remembered in 1 Peter? Early Jesus Traditions, Isaiah 53, and 1 Pet 2.21-25, James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Early Jesus Traditions, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 123-150, DOI:10.5040/
  • Horrell DG. (2014) “Honour everyone…” (1 Pet. 2.17): The Social Strategy of 1 Peter and its Significance for Early Christianity, To Set at Liberty: Essays on Early Christianity and Its Social World in Honor of John H. Elliott, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 192-210.
  • Horrell DG. (2014) Ecological Hermeneutics: Reflections on Methods and Prospects for the Future, Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, volume 46, no. 2, pages 139-165.
  • Horrell DG. (2014) Ethnicity, Empire, and Early Christian Identity: Social-Scientific Perspectives on 1 Peter, Reading 1-2 Peter and Jude: A Resource for Students, SBL/Brill, 135-149.
  • Horrell DG, Davis A. (2014) Engaging the Bible in GCSE and A level Religious Studies: Environmental stewardship as a test case, British Journal of Religious Education, volume 36, no. 1, pages 72-87, DOI:10.1080/01416200.2013.848183.


  • Horrell DG. (2013) “Das im Unglauben verharrende Judenvolk”: 1 Pet 2:4-10, its History of Interpretation in Germany (1855-1978), and the Important Contribution of Leonhard Goppelt, Bedrängnis und Identität: Studien zu Situation, Kommunikation und Theologie des 1. Petrusbriefes,, De Gruyter, 327-351.
  • Horrell DG, Davis A. (2013) Engaging the Bible in GCSE and A level Religious Studies: Environmental stewardship as a test case, British Journal of Religious Education.
  • Horrell DG. (2013) The Image of Jesus in 1 Peter and its Paradigmatic Significance: Sociological and Psychological Correlations, Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galilaers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 299-315.
  • Horrell DG. (2013) Jesus - Gestalt und Gestaltungen. Rezeptionen des Galiaers in Wissenschaft, Kirche und Gesellschaft, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
  • Horrell DG. (2013) Soma as a Basis for Ethics in Paul, Ethische Normen des frühen Christentums: Gut – Leben – Leib – Tugend, Mohr Siebeck, 351-363.
  • Horrell DG. (2013) Becoming Christian: Essays on 1 Peter and the Making of Christian Identity, Bloomsbury T&T Clark.


  • Horrell DG. (2012) “Race”, “Nation”, “People”: Ethnic Identity-Construction in 1 Peter 2.9, New Testament Studies, volume 58, pages 123-143.


  • Horrell DG. (2011) Non-human flourishing? The liberation of creation and an ecological reading of Paul, Theology and Human Flourishing: Essays in Honour of Timothy J. Gorringe, Cascade, 54-70.
  • Horrell DG, Coad DJ. (2011) “The Stones Would Cry Out” (Luke 19.40): A Lukan Contribution to a Hermeneutics of Creation’s Praise, Scottish Journal of Theology, volume 64, pages 29-44.


  • Horrell DG. (2010) A New Perspective on Paul? Rereading Paul in an Age of Ecological Crisis, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 33, pages 3-30.
  • Horrell DG. (2010) The Bible and the Environment: Towards a Critical Ecological Biblical Theology, Equinox.
  • Horrell et al DG. (2010) Ecological Hermeneutics, Continuum.
  • Horrell DG. (2010) The Green Bible: A Timely Idea Deeply Flawed, Expository Times, volume 121, pages 180-186.
  • Horrell DG, Hunt C, Southgate CCB. (2010) Greening Paul: Rereading the Apostle in an Age of Ecological Crisis, Baylor University Press.
  • Horrell DG. (2010) Ecological Hermeneutics: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Perspectives, T&T Clark.


  • Horrell D. (2009) ‘The Lord Commanded…but i Have not Used…’ Exegetical and Hermeneutical Reflections on 1 cor 9.14–151, New Testament Studies, volume 43, no. 4, pages 587-603, DOI:10.1017/s0028688500023407.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) Book Review: First Peter, The Expository Times, volume 120, no. 10, pages 512-512, DOI:10.1177/00145246091200101205.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) Book Review: Exploring Ecological Hermeneutics, Pacifica Australasian Theological Studies, volume 22, no. 1, pages 121-123, DOI:10.1177/1030570x0902200112.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) After the First Urban Christians: The Social-Scientific Study of Pauline Christianity Twenty-Five Years Later, T&T Clark.
  • Horrell DG, Still TD. (2009) Introduction, After the First Urban Christians, T&T Clark, 1-5.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) The Ecological Challenge to Biblical Studies, Theology, volume 112, pages 163-171.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) Aliens and Strangers? The Socio-Economic Location of the Addressees of 1 Peter, Engaging Economics: New Testament Scenarios and Early Christian Reception, Eerdmans, 176-202.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) The Themes of 1 Peter: Insights from the Earliest Manuscripts (the Crosby-Schøyen Codex ms 193 and the Bodmer Miscellaneous Codex containing P72), New Testament Studies, volume 55, pages 502-522.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) Particular Identity and Common Ethics: Reflections on the Foundations and Content of Pauline Ethics in 1 Corinthians 5, Jenseits von Indikativ und Imperativ: Kontexte und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik/Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics, Mohr Siebeck, 197-212.
  • Horrell DG. (2009) Whither Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation? Reflections on Contested Methodologies and the Future, After the First Urban Christians, T&T Clark, 6-20.


  • Horrell DG. (2008) Bible, Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, Gale/Macmillan Reference, 93-97.
  • Hunt C, Horrell DG, Southgate C. (2008) An environmental mantra? Ecological interest in Romans 8.19-23 and a modest proposal for its narrative interpretation, Journal of Theological Studies, volume 59, pages 546-579.
  • Horrell DG. (2008) 1 Peter, T&T Clark.
  • Horrell DG, Hunt C, Southgate C. (2008) Appeals to the Bible in Ecotheology and Environmental Ethics: A Typology of Hermeneutical Stances, Studies in Christian Ethics, volume 21, pages 219-238.
  • Horrell DG. (2008) Pauline Churches or Early Christian Churches? Unity, Disagreement, and the Eucharist, Einheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament, Mohr Siebeck, 185-203.
  • Horrell DG. (2008) Biblical Vegetarianism? A Critical and Constructive Assessment, Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology, T&T Clark, 44-59.
  • Hunt C, Horrell DG, Southgate CCB. (2008) An Environmental Mantra? Ecological Interest in Rom. 8.19-23 and a Modest Proposal for its Narrative Interpretation, Journal of Theological Studies, volume 59, pages 546-579.
  • Horrell DG. (2008) Disciplining Performance and “Placing” the Church: Widows, Elders and Slaves in the Household of God (1 Tim 5.1-6.2), 1 Timothy Reconsidered, Peeters, 109-134.
  • Southgate C, Hunt C, Horrell DG. (2008) Ascesis and Assisted Migration: Responses to the Effects of Climate Change on Animal Species, European Journal of Science and Theology, volume 4, pages 99-111.
  • Horrell DG. (2008) Ecological Criticism, Searching for Meaning: A Practical Guide to New Testament Interpretation, Westminster John Knox, 192-194.


  • Horrell DG. (2007) What Should a Commentator Aim to Do, for Whom, and Why? Introduction to a Discussion Focused on Andrew Lincoln's Commentary on the Gospel of John, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 29, pages 303-304.
  • Horrell DG. (2007) Leiden als Diskriminierung und Martyrium: (Selbst-)Stigmatisierung und Soziale Identität am Beispiel des ersten Petrusbriefes, Erkennen und Erleben: Beiträge zur psychologischen Erforschung des frühen Christentums, Guetersloher Verlagshaus, 110-132.
  • Horrell DG. (2007) The Label Christianos: 1 Pet 4.16 and the Formation of Christian Identity, Journal of Biblical Literature, volume 126, no. 2, pages 361-381.
  • Horrell DG. (2007) Idol-Food, Idolatry and Ethics in Paul, Idolatry: False Worship in the Bible, Early Judaism and Christianity, T&T Clark, 120-140.
  • Horrell DG. (2007) The Catholic Epistles and Hebrews, Redemption and Resistance in the Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians in Antiquity, T&T Clark, 122-135.
  • Horrell DG. (2007) Between Conformity and Resistance: Beyond the Balch-Elliott Debate Towards a Postcolonial Reading of 1 Peter, Reading 1 Peter with New Eyes: Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of First Peter, T&T Clark, 111-143.


  • Horrell DG. (2006) Response to Leslie Houlden, Conversations in Religion and Theology, volume 4, pages 12-16.
  • Horrell DG. (2006) An Introduction to the Study of Paul, T&T Clark.


  • Horrell DG. (2005) Introduction, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 27, no. 3, pages 251-255, DOI:10.1177/0142064X05052505.
  • Horrell DG. (2005) Introduction (to a special issue on the New Testament and the Imperial Cult), Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 27, pages 251-255.
  • Horrell DG. (2005) Paul Among Liberals and Communitarians: Models for Christian Ethics, Pacifica, volume 18, pages 33-52.
  • Horrell DG. (2005) Recent Pauline Studies, Epworth Review, volume 32, no. 3, pages 65-74.
  • Horrell DG. (2005) Solidarity and Difference: A Contemporary Reading of Paul's Ethics, T & T Clark.
  • Horrell DG. (2005) Familiar friend or alien stranger? on translating the bible, Expository Times, volume 116, no. 12, pages 402-408, DOI:10.1177/0014524605056802.



  • Horrell DG. (2003) Editorial Statement, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 25, no. 3, DOI:10.1177/0142064X0302500301.
  • Horrell DG. (2003) The Peaceable, Tolerant Community and the Legitimate Role of the State: Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas in Romans 12.1-15.13, Review and Expositor, volume 100, no. 1, pages 81-99.
  • Horrell DG, Plant SJ. (2003) Same Song-Sheet, Different Tunes? Biblical Scholarship and Systematic Theology on Reading the Bible, Epworth Review, volume 30, no. 2, pages 42-49.
  • Horrell DG. (2003) Who are "the dead" and when was the Gospel preached to them?: The interpretation of 1 Peter 4.6, New Testament Studies, volume 49, no. 1, pages 70-89.


  • Horrell DG. (2002) The Product of a Petrine Circle? A Reassessment of the Origin and Character of 1 Peter, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 86, pages 29-60.
  • Horrell DG. (2002) Solidarity and Difference: Pauline Morality in Romans 14-15, Studies in Christian Ethics, volume 15, no. 2, pages 60-78.
  • Horrell DG. (2002) Paul's Narratives or Narrative Substructure? The Significance of "Paul's Story", Narrative Dynamics in Paul: A Critical Assessment, Westminster John Knox, 157-171.
  • Horrell DG. (2002) Paul, The Biblical World, Routledge, 258-283.
  • Horrell DG. (2002) "Becoming Christian": Solidifying Christian Identity and Content, Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches, Alta Mira, 309-335.
  • Horrell DG. (2002) Social Sciences Studying Formative Christian Phenomena: A Creative Movement, Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches, Alta Mira, 3-28.



  • Horrell DG. (2000) Models and Methods in Social-Scientific Interpretation: A Response to Philip Esler, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 78, pages 83-105.
  • Horrell DG. (2000) 'No longer Jew or Greek': Paul's corporate Christology and the construction of Christian community, Brill, 321-344, DOI:10.1163/9789047400417_017.
  • Horrell DG. (2000) Early Jewish Christianity, The Early Christian World, Routledge, 136-167.
  • Horrell DG. (2000) Christology, Controversy and Community: New Testament Essays in Honour of David R. Catchpole, Brill.


  • Horrell DG. (1999) Telling Stories and Teaching RE: "Narrative" in Biblical Studies and Theology, Perspectives, volume 59, no. Teaching the Bible, pages 53-67.
  • Horrell DG. (1999) Social-Scientific Interpretation of the New Testament: Retrospect and Prospect, Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation, T&T Clark, 3-27.
  • Horrell DG. (1999) Leadership Patterns and the Development of Ideology in Early Christianity, Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation, T&T Clark, 309-337.
  • Horrell DG. (1999) Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation, T&T Clark.
  • Horrell DG. (1999) Restructuring human relationships: Paul's Corinthian letters and Habermas's discourse ethics, EXPOSITORY TIMES, volume 110, no. 10, pages 321-325.




  • Horrell DG. (1996) Response (to a discussion article: "Colonies of the Kingdom: A Biblical Image of Church Planting" by David Dunn Wilson), Epworth Review, volume 23, no. 1, pages 49-51.
  • Horrell DG. (1996) The Social Ethos of the Corinthian Correspondence: Interests and Ideology from 1 Corinthians to 1 Clement, T&T Clark.


  • Horrell DG. (1995) The Lord's Supper at Corinth and in the Church Today, Theology, volume 98, pages 196-202.
  • Horrell DG. (1995) Paul's Collection: Resources for a Materialist Theology, Epworth Review, volume 22, no. 2, pages 74-83.
  • Horrell DG. (1995) The Development of Theological Ideology in Pauline Christianity: A Structuration Theory Perspective, Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context, Routledge, 224-236.


  • Horrell DG. (1993) Converging Ideologies: Berger and Luckmann and the Pastoral Epistles, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, volume 50, pages 85-103.

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External impact and engagement

Work with schools

  • A recent publication for teachers and students: ‘Using the Bible in Christian Ethics’, Dialogue 58 (April 2022), 3-9.
  • As part of the 'Beyond Stewardship?' project, I have developed web-based curriculum resources for use with Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils in schools (see Since their launch in 2012 these web-based resources have received around 60,000 unique page views.
  • I have delivered three teacher training conferences (Exeter and London) on the way biblical texts shape Christian approaches to the environment and spoken at a number of sixth form conferences.

Contribution to discipline

I am a member of the AHRC's Peer Review College and Strategic Reviewer Group, and was a member of the REF panel for Theology and Religious studies for both the criteria and assessment phases of the exercise (2018-22).

From 2015-2018 I was the general editor of the SBL book series Early Christianity and its Literature. In recent years I have served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Biblical Literature (2014-19), New Testament Studies (2014-2017), and Theology (2011-). I was editor of the Journal for the Study of the New Testament from 2002-2007, and served on the editorial board deom 1997-2013. I am on the advisory board for the Journal of Ethics in Antiquty and Christianity (based at the University of Mainz, Germany).

At Exeter, I am the Director of the Centre for Biblical Studies. I have held visiting fellowships at the Universities of Heidelberg, Mainz, and Leuven.


I have presented various aspects of my research in publications for press and website outlets, for example:

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I teach a range of modules in the area of New Testament Studies, including modules in New Testament Greek. I aim to introduce students to key areas of knowledge and to a range of sometimes innovative approaches in the field of scholarship, to help them develop their own critical skills, not least so that they can develop their own perspective on the material in an informed and judicious way. I am also concerned to enable students to reflect critically on the position from which they interpret and to engage with a range of global voices and perspectives in their work.

Modules taught

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