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Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology

Photo of Professor Christopher Gill

Professor Christopher Gill

Emeritus Professor of Ancient Thought


01392 724270


My research area is ancient philosophy or thought, especially ethics and psychology. My most recent books are Marcus Aurelius Meditations Books 1-6, translated with an introduction and commentary (Oxford University Press, 2013) and Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism (Oxford University Press, 2010). Two earlier books were on ancient conceptions of personality or self: The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought (2006), and Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy: The Self in Dialogue (1996), both also published by Oxford. The latter book was awarded a Runciman Prize in 1997. Another area of interest is Platonic philosophy, especially the dialogue form and dialectic.

I retired at the end of 2013, but remain active in research, publication, participation in conferences and public engagement. My main current project is a book on Stoicism and its potential contribution to modern thought; this is supported in 2015-16 by a Leverhulme Emeritus Research Fellowship. In public engagement I focus on the role of Stoic ethics as a source of life-guidance and, in collaboration with John Wilkins and others, the potential contribution of ancient (especially Galenic) ideas about healthcare to modern preventive medicine and self-care.

I have organised or co-organised a number of conferences at Exeter: ‘Interpreting Galen’ (November 2014) (with Philip van der Eijk), ‘Teleology in the Ancient World’ (July 2009) (with Julius Rocca), ‘Galen and the World of Knowledge’ (July 2005) (with Tim Whitmarsh and John Wilkins); 'Ancient and Modern Approaches to Ethical Objectivity' (July 2002); 'Myth. History and Performance in Republican Rome: a Celebration of the Work of T.P. Wiseman' (March 2000) (with David Braund and Emma Gee). I have co-organised earlier conferences at Exeter on 'Lies and Fiction in the Ancient World', 'The Passions in Roman Thought and Literature', and 'Reciprocity in Ancient Greece'. All these conferences, except for 'Interpreting Galen', have led to published volumes (the 2009 conference volume is in preparation, edited by Julius Rocca).

I was the inaugural editor of 'Plato', the internet Journal of the International Plato Society in 2000-3, and was co-editor of Phronesis, a journal for Ancient Philosophy published by Brill in 2003-8.

I have given invited lectures or papers at conferences or colloquia in most European countries, Japan, Canada, as well as throughout the UK and USA. I was a European representative on the Executive Committee of the International Plato Society in 1998-2004.

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| To Appear | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |

To Appear

  • Gill CJ. 'Stoicism and Epicureanism', The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Emotion, Oxford University Press, 143-165.
  • Gill CJ. Critical response to the Hermeneutic Approach from an Analytic Perspective, New Images of Plato: The Idea of the Good, Academia Verlag, St. Augustin, 2002, 211-222.


  • Gill CJ, Boys-Stones G, El Murr D. (2013) The Platonic Art of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press.
  • Gill CJ. (2013) What is the point of the tripartite psyche in Plato's Republic?, Dialogues on Plato's Politeia (Republic): Seklected Papers from the Ninth Symposium Platonicum, Academia Verlag, 161-168.
  • Boys-Stones, G. (2013) The Platonic Art of Philosophy, Camrbidge University Press.
  • Gill CJ. (2013) What is the point of the tripartite psyche in Plato's Republic?, Academia Verlag, 161-167.
  • Gill CJ, Gill CJ. (2013) Philosophical Therapy as Preventive Psychological Medicine, Mental Disorders in the Classical World, Brill, 339-360.
  • Gill CJ. (2013) Stoic Eros - is there such a thing?, Oxford University Press, 143-157.
  • Gill CJ. (2013) Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 1-6, translated with introduction and commentary, Oxford University Press.


  • Gill CJ, Gill CJ. (2012) Marcus Aurelius: Philosophy and the rest of Life, Selbstbetrachtungen und Selbstdarstellung: Der Philosopher und Kaiser Marc Aurel in interdisziplinaren Licht, Reichert, 35-64.
  • Gill CJ. (2012) The transformation of Aristotle's Ethics in Roman Philosophy, The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 31-52.
  • Gill CJ. (2012) Marcus and Previous Stoic Literature, A Companion to Marcus Aurelius, Wiley-Blackwell, 382-395.


  • Gill C. (2010) The Cambridge Platonists: An Overview, Argumenta in Dialogos Platonis: Teil 1: Platoninterpretation und ihre Hermeneutik von der Antike bis zum Beginn des 19 Jahrhundert, Schwabe Verlag, 301-313.
  • Gill C, Renaud F. (2010) Hermeneutic Philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's Response to the Philebus, Academia Verlag.
  • Gill CJ. (2010) 'Dialogue Form and Philosophical Content in Plato's Philebus', Plato's Philebus: Selected Papers from the Eighth Symposium Platonicum, Academia Verlag, 47-55.
  • Gill CJ. (2010) 'Particulars, selves and individuals in Stoic Philosophy', Particulars in Greek Philosphy, Brill, 127-145.
  • Gill CJ. (2010) Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism, Oxford University Press.
  • Gill CJ. (2010) Galen and the World of Knowledge, Cambridge University Press.


  • Gill CJ. (2009) 'Ancient Concepts of Personal Identity', The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies, Oxford University Press, 260-270.
  • Gill CJ. (2009) 'Psychology', Cambridge University Press, 125-141.
  • Gill C, Gill CJ. (2009) 'Galen and the Stoics: What Each Could Learn from the other about Embodied Psychology', Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy, De Gruyter, 409-423.
  • Gill CJ. (2009) The Ancient Self: Where Now?, Antiquorum Philosophia, volume 2, pages 77-99, article no. 6.
  • Gill CJ. (2009) Seneca and Selfhood: Integration and Disintegration, Seneca and the Self, Cambridge University Press, 65-83.


  • Gill CJ. (2008) Die antike medizinische Tradition: Die corporale Basis emotionaler Dispositionen, Klassische Emotionstheorien, De Gruyter, 97-120.
  • Gill CJ. (2008) 'The Ancient Self: Issues and Approaches', Ancient Philosophy of the Self, Springer, 35-56.
  • Gill CJ. (2008) The Self and Hellenistic-Roman Philosophical Therapy, Vom Selbst-Verstandnis in Antike und Neuzeit/ Notions of the Self in Antiquity and Beyond, De Gruyter, 359-380.
  • Gill CJ. (2008) Le moi et la therapie dans la pensee hellenistique et romaine, Le moi et l'interiorite, Vrin, 83-105.


  • Gill CJ. (2007) 'Marcus Aurelius' Meditations: How Stoic and How Platonic?', Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism: The Dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in Antiquity, Leuven University Press, 189-207.
  • Gill CJ. (2007) Galen and the Stoics: Mortal Enemies or Blood Brothers?, Special Issue of Phronesis, volume 52, no. 1, pages 88-120.


  • Gill CJ. (2006) Marcus Aurelius, Greek and Roman Philosophy (100 BC to 200 AD), Supplementary Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies.
  • Gill CJ. (2006) The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought, Oxford University Press.
  • Gill CJ. (2006) Psychophysical Holism in Stoicism and Epicureanism, Common to Body and Mind, De Gruyter.


  • Gill CJ. (2005) The Platonic Dialogue, Blackwell Companion to Ancient Philosophy, Blackwell.
  • Gill CJ. (2005) Tragic Fragments, Greek Philosophers, and the Fragmented Self, Tragic Fragments, University of Exeter Press, 151-172.
  • Gill, C.. (2005) In What Sense are Ancient Ethical Norms Universal?, Norms, Virtue, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics, Oxford University Press, 15-40.
  • Gill CJ. (2005) Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics, Oxford University Press.
  • Gill, C.. (2005) Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics.
  • Gill CJ. (2005) Norms, Virtue, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics, Oxford University Press.


  • Gill CJ. (2004) Plato and the Scope of Ethical Knowledge, Plato - internet journal:, no. 4.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) Plato, Ethics and Mathematics, Plato Ethicus: Philosophy is Life, Academia Verlag: St. Augustin, 165-176.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) The Impact of Greek Philosophy on Contemporary Ethical Philosophy, Greek Philosophy in the New Millenium: Essays in Honour of Thomas M. Robinson, Academia Verlag, 209-226.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) The Socratic Elenchus and Knowledge: Where do we go from Vlastos?, Socrates: 2400 Years Since his Death, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 249-265.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) The Stoic Theory of Ethical Development: In What Sense is Nature a Norm?, Was is das für den Menschen Gute? Menschliche Nature und Güterlehre. What is Good for a Human Being? Human Nature and Values, W. de Gruyter, 101-125.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) Competing Readings of Stoic Emotions, Metaphysics, Soul, and Ethics: Themes from the Work of Richard Sorabji, Oxford University Press, 445-470.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) Plato's Republic: An Ideal Culture of Knowledge, Ideal and Culture of Knowledge in Plato, Steiner, Stuttgart, 37-55.
  • Gill CJ. (2004) Character and Passion in Virgil's Aeneid, Proceedings of the Virgil Society, volume 25, pages 111-124.


  • Gill CJ. (2003) Galien a-t-il compris la théorie stoicienne des passions?, Les Passions Antiques et Médiévales, Presses Leviathan de France, 145-152.
  • Gill CJ. (2003) Stoicism, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education, Blackwell, 25-32.
  • Gill CJ. (2003) The School in the Imperial Period, Cambridge Companion to the Stoics, Cambridge University Press, 33-58.
  • Gill CJ. (2003) The Laws - is it a Real Dialogue?, The Laws: from Theory to Practice: Proceedings of the VI Symposium Platonicum, Academia Verlag, 42-47.
  • Braund D, Gill CJ. (2003) Myth, History and Culture in Republican Rome: Studies in Honour of T.P. Wiseman, Exeter, Devon : University of Exeter Press,.
  • Gill CJ. (2003) Is Rivalry a Virtue or a Vice?, Envy, Spite and Jealousy: The Rivalrous Emotions in Ancient Greece, Edinburgh University Press, 29-51.


  • Gill CJ. (2002) Dialectic and the Dialogue Form, New Perspectives on Plato, Modern and Ancient, Harvard University Press, 145-172.
  • Gill CJ. (2002) La Psychologie présocratique: quelques questions interprétatives, Les Anciens savants, Les Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg, 169-189.
  • Gill CJ. (2002) The Death of Socrates, The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies, Oxford, 251-255.
  • Gill CJ. (2002) The Death of Socrates, Articles in Classical Philosophy, Garland, Hamden.

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I enjoy swimming, hill-walking, and listening to classical music (especially 16th-century choral music, Romantic chamber music and lieder, and French song from Fauré to Poulenc). I have four sons aged 17-26, whose colourful lives provide much interest.

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